From Gwinnett Animal Control’s web site:
A new Animal Task Force will soon start reviewing current animal-related ordinances and services, developing best practices, studying the role of the Animal Advisory Committee, and making recommendations to Gwinnett commissioners. The group will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, December 27 at 7:00pm at the Animal Welfare and Enforcement Center, 884 Winder Highway in Lawrenceville. Click here to see the agenda. Meetings will be open to the public with some designed to get input and comments.
Gwinnett has reduced the euthanasia rate at the shelter over the past few years, but the number of incoming animals has been rising in the economic downturn. The Board of Commissioners charged the 17-member task force with developing both short and long-term strategies to increase adoptions, improve animal welfare and protect human safety. The review and recommendation process will take about four months.
Task force members, appointed by commissioners, include members of cat, dog and large animal rescue groups and representatives of agricultural and animal-related businesses.
The group will develop strategies to increase adoptions, improve animal welfare and protect human safety. Its review will take about four months.
At the December 13th BOC meeting three more appointments were announced. Chairman Charlotte Nash appointed Donald Bush to represent the chairman. Lynette Howard appointed Suzanne Pruitt to represent district 2 and Pattie Zsanti was appointed as Animal Related Business Representative. The Large Animal Rescue representative was tabled until the January 3rd 2012 BOC meeting.
To read Gwinnett Animal Shelter’s 2011 report click here.
To read a task force overview along with a list of other appointees click here